ACCUTRACK II Speedometer

This easy to use ACCUTRACK II Speedometer is available from our online store.
Now supporting US (1:160) and UK (1:148) N scales, H0 and 00,
all in scale miles or kilometers per hour, this unit stands over any track,
and displays the speed of a train as it passes, in either direction.
It is a stand-alone device, and runs off two AAA batteries, included in the package, so is ideal for DC or DCC layouts.
The speedometer uses the precision of a microcontroller to measure the time between two infrared beams that the train passes through.
Based on this time, the scale speed can be calculated from a mathematically derived calibration factor.
Built into the software are the calibration factors for US (1:160) and UK (1:148) N scales, US H0 and British 00,
and these factors are selectable from a button accessible from the front panel of the device.
Speed is displayed for 5 seconds and then unit goes into power saving mode.
Auto shut off after 5 minutes of no trains.
Click here to order your new Accutrack II Speedometer.
The "tunnel" is large enough to straddle two N tracks, or one H0 track, and is tall enough for double-stack containers.
Seen here measuring 38 MPH for this N Scale freight train.

See our Application Note for using this Speedometer to help set up speed-matching of locos with SPROG.