Setting Preferences
If it is not already connected, power up your SPROG and connect it
to your computer using the appropriate cable. The red power LED should be
Start DecoderPro by double clicking the JMRI DecoderPro3 icon (that was placed on your Windows
desktop, or in your Mac in Applications/JMRI folder, by the DecoderPro installation).
The first time you run DecoderPro3 you should see the JMRI icon initially,
and then the DecoderPro3 main window with the initialization Wizard.
Click Next to move through the setup sequence.
In the Preferences window, click the System manufacturer drop-down menu,
scroll down and select SPROG DCC.
click the System connection drop-down menu, scroll down and select SPROG.
(Not SPROG Command Station)
Next select the COM port to which your SPROG is connected. On a Mac it will be the tty.usbserial or tty.usbmodem identifier.
Click Next to complete the setup sequence.
You have now installed your SPROG DCC Programmer and can begin
programming decoders using DecoderPro.
The above window sets out the initial steps to follow to start using DecoderPro3.
If you have already used DecoderPro, and already have any loco details stored, they will show up during the next sequence.
The steps to start using DecoderPro are similar for any command station or programmer.
- Read the decoder type:
Click the "New Loco" button. In the next pane, click "Read type from decoder" (see below, lower left)
- Open Comprehensive Programmer: (see above, lower right) (You can now perform the next few steps in this view, or in the full programmer)
- Set the Roster entry:
The first line is the only essential entry, a unique identifier - road name and number is often the right choice!
Add more details as you choose to help you recognize your locos.
- Set the Address:
Select the Basic tab, and in that pane set 2 or 4 digit, enter the number and click "Write changes on sheet"
- Optionally program other features:
select other tabs as needed.
- Yellow entries have not been confirmed by reading from the loco
- White have been read or written successfully
- Orange are changes you have made that are waiting to be written
- Red indicate an unsuccessful read (or write)
- Remember to write your changes to the loco - this is an explicit action with the "Write..." buttons at the bottom of each pane
- Save your changes to the roster for next time!
Please see
A quick DecoderPro Tour on the JMRI webpages
Also, read the SPROG User Guide
for more guidance in getting started using SPROG and DecoderPro,
and the JMRI/DecoderPro3 3.4 User Guide
for more depth in all the features available.